Vision Statment

We, the Sisters of the Congregation of Jesus of the kaural Amroha Province, in collaboration with the staff, renew our commitment with the pioneering spirit of our Foundress, St. Mary's convent School, to bring about the Kingdom of God through our Education Ministry.

We aim at training our students to strive for all excellence in order to take leadership in assisting their fellow citizens to create a just society, where the underprivileged and exploited, especially women, children, and dalits are restored to their God-given dignity, rights and freedom and thus bring about social transformation.


  • It is our aim to assist the children entrusted to our care, to become good citizens of India. Therefore we intend to:
  • 1. Make the students realize their dignity as children of God.
  • 2. Develop their physical, intellectual, creative and aesthetic faculties.
  • 3. Cultivate in them love and appreciation for their culture and traditions.
  • 4. Prepare them to face the challenges of life.
  • 5. Foster in them social awareness.
  • 6. Prepare them for future career.
  • 7. To seek the intelligent collaboration of the parents and active co-operation of the staff forr the atainment of these ideals and objectives.