General Rules of Conduct & Discipline

General Rules of Conduct & Discipline


Student should attend the school regularly. They must reach the School atleast five minutes before the Assembly . Late comers may not be allowed to attend the session of the day.


Students should keep their books clean neatly covered with their name written on them. Text books and copies should be provided before the opening of the school.


Punctual and regular attendance, earnest in home assignments and good behaviour in and outside school are always insisted on, and in all these matters parents' full cooperation is expected at all times. They should check the school Diary regularly and note the Teacher's remarks.


Habitual lack of interest and illness, actions detrimental to the discipline and the moral of the school repeated failure in tests and examinations and insubordination are sufficient reasons singly or together expel a student guilty of such laxity of misdemeaneour.


Student should observe silence in the verandas; corridors and on the stairs during the class hours.


The School authorities do not hold themselves responsible for the student's loss of money, books, tiffin-boxes, articles of clothing etc. The students are expected to look after their own belongings very carefully. Articles found in the school are to be handed over to the office


Parents are requested to mark each article of their wards with the pupil's name, admission number, class, section etc.


Any kind of damage done to the school property including ink stains writing on the walls, breaking the furniture must be compensated at the expense of the offender along with the fine that may be impised by the principal.