Recommendations To Parents

Recommendations To Parents


Parents and guardians are expected to co-operate with the school in enforcing regularity and discipline in the children; seeing that they prepare their lessons at home and take active and helpful interest in the activites of the school.


Parents are particularly expected to sing the occasional reports from the teachers which are conveniently made in the school diary. These should be seen and undersigned regularly. Failure to do so may put the children to great inconvenience.


Criticism of students, techers or school in his/her presence should be studiously avoided because it causes the students to lose his/her respect for the teacher, with the consequent failure to learn from him/her. if you have a legitimate complaint see the principal and settle it.


Withdrawal of your child from classes for mere social function is not recommended, because it retards the child's progress in the school and minimizes his/her respect for regular hard work with consequent failure to progress in studies.


No school business will be transacted on sundays and holidays.


Parents are requested to come along with their wards and the school diary when they come to meet the teachers. send you children smartly dressed to school